Overview General Horoscope

September 2024 - The month kicks off with Pluto retrograde reentering Capricorn on September 1. The last time Pluto orbited Capricorn at the same degrees was at the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024. We are going back to that moment in time and seeing how we’ve grown and evolved along the way. If we find that we’re backsliding against the metamorphosis we’ve embodied, it might be time to reassess how we want to move forward.

The new moon in Virgo on the second is the time for us to embrace practicality and make moves to ensure we are on the right path.

Action planet Mars swims into Cancer on September 4. When Mars is in Cancer, emotions change with the moon’s signs and phases. Therefore, we will be erratic and unpredictable in how we react to situations. Ground your energy in order to maintain equilibrium within your emotions.

Mercury, the planet of communication, reenters Virgo on the eighth, allowing us to go back to the beginning of August and focus on the lessons we learned through the recent retrograde.

On September 17, the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces gives us a chance to embrace our intuition and sentimentality as we release the old and bring in new ways of feeling.

The fall equinox occurs on the twenty-second, bringing equal hours of day and night, as well as the shift into Libra season. The same day, Venus moves into Scorpio, heightening our passions, desires, and lust for life.

The month ends with Mercury moving into fair-minded Libra on September 26, which gives us the diplomatic sense of being and communication. Understanding others will be key and essential in developing new relationships and maintaining old connections.
Quote of the Day I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. – Stephen Covey