Libra career Horoscope


December 2024 - This month, you are in the spotlight.

On December 1, there is a new moon in Sagittarius. It’s time to connect or reconnect with your contacts. You could be sending out a new style of email, changing the wording of your sales pitch, or trying an A/B test for paid ads. You might reach out to potential customers and clients through new platforms. Now you’re focused on communication.

Mars in Leo goes retrograde on the sixth. Mars will be retrograde until February 23, 2025. During this time, you might be asked to lead a group, expand your team, or increase your voice in your community. Libra, you have the megaphone now and people are listening.

The Gemini full moon is on December 15. You have an opportunity to speak to a bigger audience. This might be outside your comfort zone, but it is the way to grow. Practicing what you have to say will make you feel more comfortable.

There is a new moon in Capricorn on the thirtieth. This is a black moon, the second new moon this month. Starting too many things at once only dilutes your energy. Libra, focus on only a couple of new projects at this time and you’ll make real progress.

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Quote of the Day We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. – Dolly Parton